Does your elderly loved one have diabetes? If so, there are different health issues that they might encounter. Many people who have diabetes develop eye health issues. There are some common diabetes-related eye issues that you and senior home care providers should watch out for in your elderly loved one.
One of the diabetes-related eye issues that you should watch for in your elderly loved one is glaucoma. Did you know that diabetes have a much higher risk of having this condition than people who don’t have diabetes? It is very important that you or a home care provider take your elderly loved one to get a screening for glaucoma regularly. It is also important to know that the longer your elderly loved one has had diabetes, the higher their risk of getting this condition.
Your elderly loved one has a much higher risk of developing cataracts if they have diabetes, as well. Research shows that people with diabetes have double the risk of getting this condition than people who don’t have diabetes. Usually, people who have cataracts and diabetes are usually diagnosed earlier in life. However, that does not mean your elderly loved one won’t get them. The good news is that there are some easy treatments and solutions for mild cataracts.
Another diabetes-related eye issue to watch for is retinopathy. This is a condition that includes all retina disorders that are caused by diabetes. It can include proliferative retinopathy, non-proliferative retinopathy, and other forms of retinopathy. There are many different treatments that doctors can prescribe if your elderly loved one has this condition. If you suspect your elderly loved one has retinopathy, make sure you or a senior home care provider take them to the doctor soon. The sooner they are seen and treated, the better prognosis they will have.
These are some of the most common diabetes-related eye issues that you should watch for in your elderly loved one. Now that you know about them, you can look more into each one. That way, you can learn what symptoms to look for and what can be done if your elderly loved one has any of these eye issues.
It is also important to note that if your loved one does have eye issues caused by their diabetes and there aren’t treatments that can help them much, they may need senior home care providers to help them out around their house. The senior care providers can help to prevent falls, since your elderly loved one may not be able to see very well.